Go Supersonic

Crucial Capabilities That Supercharge Sustainable Growth

You’re an early stage company with Series A/B/C funding secured. You now need to deliver.

You’ve gained traction, established your product and have an ambitious roadmap. And lack the leadership capability to create a high performance culture.

You’re growing the team and experiencing rapid change. Yet lack the focus, structure and alignment to become more than the sum of your parts.

Your People team has established the basics. However, they are stretched and not delivering strategic impact.

Go Supersonic: Our Scale solution is designed for companies who have progressed from their initial start-up phase to help them realise their potential, and avoid the typical mistakes during growth.

We Deliver: We help you rapidly build leadership capability, create a high performance culture and inspire your team to go far beyond what they ever thought possible.

How We Do It: We do this by engaging our vast expertise to enable performance, build culture, enhance operations and infrastructure to achieve efficient, purposeful growth.

Faster, Better & Affordable: Access world-class expertise straight away - at a fraction of the cost of hiring an internal L&D team, or hiring overpriced, ineffective consultants. 

Just Some Of The Things We Can Do For You

Faster.  Better.  Affordable: Immediately impactful Talent Development, at a fraction of the cost of hiring internal L&D, or overpriced, ineffective consultants.

The Full Stack: Whatever you need, we do it, and brilliantly.

We Are Not Corporate: We keep things simple and straightforward.  No Bullshit.  No Buzzwords.  We get to the point.

We Are Not Yes People: People hire us to create better, more profitable companies.  If we see anything preventing that, we will tell you, because we care.

Get In Touch To Learn More

All great things start from a conversation. Maybe you’re not entirely sure what you need, that’s fine, we’re happy to explore it with you.

Get in touch for an informal conversation about how we might be able to support you and your team.

E: discover@polaris-talent.co.uk