You build the product. We’ll build the company. Together, we’ve got this.

Want To Be In The 10%?

Well, 90% of start-up and scale-ups fail.

It’s No Wonder

Thinking about products, customers, revenue, costs, competition, is tough.

Building a winning team is just as important – and just as hard.

Use Our Strengths So You Can Play to Yours

Brilliant Talent Development is the most effective way to grow your company fast.

So you can work on the business, not in the business.

Not Another Training Company!

Nope. We’re much more than that. Read on. (Just don’t call us consultants)

Polaris help Start Up & Scaling companies rapidly catalyse execution, reinvigorate culture and build key capabilities through world-class, flexible, affordable Talent, Learning & Development solutions.

For each stage of your company's growth, whatever you need, we have it covered:

Go Ballistic. Go to the next level – a true Scale Up company

Go Supersonic. Crucial capabilities that supercharge sustainable growth

Category King. Strategic capabilities, needed for sustained success or an IPO/Exit event

Unrivalled Start Up, Scale & Enterprise Experience

We've designed and delivered breakthrough experiences for some of the world's leading brands and most exciting companies.

Faster.  Better.  Affordable: Immediately impactful Talent Development, at a fraction of the cost of hiring internal L&D, or overpriced, ineffective consultants.

The Full Stack: Whatever you need, we do it, and brilliantly.

We Are Not Corporate: We keep things simple and straightforward.  No Bullshit.  No Buzzwords.  We get to the point.

We Are Not Yes People: People hire us to create better, more profitable companies.  If we see anything preventing that, we will tell you, because we care.

The Challenges For Start Up & Scaling Companies Are Unique.

We know because we’ve worked in, and with, many.

Different Approaches, Thinking & Solutions Are Required. 

We know because we have created them.

Most ‘Consultancies’ Don’t Understand You & Can’t Deliver What You Need.

We do.

Get In Touch

All great things start from a conversation. Maybe you’re not entirely sure what you need, that’s fine, we’re happy to explore it with you.

Get in touch for an informal conversation about how we might be able to support you and your team.
